Hello, I am....



Junior Developer | Greater London | UK

Scroll to get to know me.

About Me.

I'm a career switching girl coder, who decided to make the leap into tech a year ago after a long stint in the fashion industry. I am currently studying on the _nology.io Self Paced Course. In the last year I have been learning how to create beautiful responsive websites using JavaScript and ReactJS. As well as HTML5, CSS and SCSS. I am a highly collaborative individual, finding the joy in each role I undertake, and acting with integrity and passion at all times.

Scroll down to find the projects I am very proud of. ReactJS projects to follow very soon. Some of my code can be found on my GitHub profile.


Business Management BA Hons | Greenwich University | First Class

Self-Paced Software Developer Course | Nology.io

javascript smiles game

Turn that Frown Upside Down.

Tasked with creating a Hostile Aliens Challenge using an OOP Approach. The game utilises my vanilla JavaScript skills and semantic HTML. This was my first attempt at OOP. I decided there are already far too many alien games in the world so I changed it to "Turn that frown upside down". So when you hit the sad faces (aka ships) you turn them into smiling faces.

The Memory Game.

We were tasked with creating our first vanilla JS game, I wanted to create a memory game using flags. I intially designed the layout of the game on Figma The idea being that the player would need to memorise where the flags are on the screen and then have a set amount of time to find them.

javascript memory game
javascript morse translator

Morse Code Translator.

Using an OOP Approach, I created two objects with Morse Code characters and English characters. I also used a TDD approach to create this and used Jest for unit testing at the end. I created two functions, that targets the relevant object, converts it into an array and then maps through the characters to output the translation. These functions translated Morse to English and English to Morse. The function displayed the result in an output div.


This was my first vanilla JavaScript project on the nology course. I used semantic HTML and BEM to create my calculator then vanilla JavaScript for it's functionality.

javascript memory game
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